A Lovely Batch of Cranberry Applesauce

6 gala, 4 honeycrisp, 1 bag of frozen cranberries, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and orange juice. No sugar. An hour of peeling, coring, stirring, mashing, and  taste testing. The result: a large, lovely, cranberry applesauce. Next time, I’d spend less time removing apple skins. They’re apparently loaded with vitamins A, C, fiber, and antioxidants, and of courseContinue reading “A Lovely Batch of Cranberry Applesauce”

Atlanta’s Unsheltered No More Public Debrief Outlines Survey Data and Next Steps

Interview data collected from 637 homeless people living in Atlanta was summarized in a public debrief that I attended yesterday. The data was collected with the help of 190 volunteers. I was one of them, and had the opportunity to interview 9 people on two different nights over the past two weeks. The statistics were overwhelming.Continue reading “Atlanta’s Unsheltered No More Public Debrief Outlines Survey Data and Next Steps”